Motion Design | Animation


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Synaesthesia (Graduating Project)

Synaesthesia a phenomonon involving the blending of the senses. This short follows a character throughout his life and his experiences of being a synaesthete.

Created as a final year project at Massey University 2011.

The video managed to get the prestigious Vimeo Staff Pick Award as well as a Silver at the Best Awards which was a huge confidence booster for us graduates.

All in all one of the most memorable times in my life working with great individuals with whom we spent countless Red Bull filled days and nights.


TIEN HEE | Illustrator, Texture artist, Storyboard artist, Character Design

KASUMI SAITO | Environment Designer and Modeler, Animator

NIKKO HULL | Technical Director, Producer, Renderer, Director

LEO CHIDA | Character Modeler, Animator, Post Production